Daymoths, Once A Pawn and Blue Rosa @ The Side Door Lounge | Omaha

Daymoths (Twin Cities) is a two-piece pop-rock ensemble from the Twin Cities, Minnesota featuring Emily Dantuma on piano/organs and vocals and Ollie Dodge on drum kit and vocals. 

This most recent endeavor in their careers has brought them to a stripped down, spacious sound. It is easy on the ears, but still carries hints of the edgy, experimental perspectives these two have become known for in larger bands throughout the past decade as members of Vox Vermillion, Company Inc., and Mr. Mustachio.
Sentimental, but not overly fluffed or cheesed out, solid groovable beats hold down driving piano riffs and meaty organ tones while Dantuma’s sweet serenade becomes a sirens wail at just the right moment.

Once A Pawn (Lincoln)

Blue Rosa (Omaha)